- Summary: Based on the DC comics character, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), a son of a billionaire returns to Sterling City after having been stranded on a deserted island and seeks revenge under the guise of the Arrow.
- Genre(s): Drama, Action & Adventure
- Show Type: Between Seasons
- Season 1 premiere date: Oct 10, 2012
- Episode Length: 60
- Air Time: 08:00 PM
- More Details and Credits »
Score distribution:
Positive: 21 out of 25
Mixed: 4 out of 25
Negative: 0 out of 25
Solid start to what could--and maybe should--be a future CW franchise.
Your interest in Arrow depends on how much you miss the troubled-in-love, conflicted-by-family heroics of Smallville--it mirrors that series' setup.
The pilot of Arrow is a darkly gleaming gem. If the show can keep up its cinema-quality action sequences and maintain an air of mystery to Ollie's agenda, this could be a really fun series.
Arrow has a rather stylish neo-Goth look, and Stephen Amell (who played a dim-bulb gigolo in Hung) neatly balances his portrayal of Arrow between camp and Saturday-matinee ingenuousness.
There's nothing particularly new about a superhero show, but Arrow exhibits a stylized ferocity that, in its initial hour at least, makes a positive enough impression.
Arrow may not be a-point-ment television. But for starters at least, it's a sharper little tale than expected.
Arrow certainly looks polished (having David Nutter direct a pilot virtually insures that), but there's only so much action an hourlong drama can afford, and the characters necessary to sustain the series are, initially, strictly two-dimensional, even with the island as a go-to flashback.
Score distribution:
Positive: 83 out of 113
Mixed: 11 out of 113
Negative: 19 out of 113
Nov 7, 2013
Apr 23, 2013
Oct 12, 2012
Mar 17, 2013
Oct 10, 2012
Jul 22, 2014
Jul 4, 2014
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