Welcome to HackForums.netCurrent time: 09-21-2014, 05:52 PM
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Rules, Announcements, News, and Feedback This is where site rules and important announcements about the site are made. Please read carefully before you join. Also you can leave us feedback or ask site questions here.
Moderated By: Mentors |
38,519 | 530,032 |
Crypters -> OUT OF THE CR...
Today 05:41 PM by crazyycast13 |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Beginner Hacking This is for the entry level hacker wishing to learn more about the art of h4(k5.
Moderated By: Mentors |
189,772 | 1,429,947 |
E-Whoring is difficult
Today 05:50 PM by idonthackipromise |
Advanced Hacking If you feel you're past the beginner stages and want to delve deeper into computer security, analysis, and internet exploits you should participate here.
83,439 | 698,627 |
How do you encrypt a .bat...
Today 05:50 PM by HgB Java |
Hacking Tools and Programs Since every hacker needs tools and programs please post your favorites here.
125,082 | 1,429,555 |
+ + ZeroRemote - New and ...
Today 05:49 PM by ๖ۣۜLazy™ |
Website and Forum Hacking We get a lot of discussions here about how to hack a website or forum so this is the area for those threads.
Moderated By: Mentors |
117,175 | 772,487 |
Security Discussion IRC -...
Today 05:47 PM by Dervet.Corp |
Hacking Tutorials If you have a hacking tutorial please post it here for consideration to be in the Premium Hacking Tutorials.
Moderated By: Mentors |
25,784 | 483,329 |
[TUT] DarkComet Setup Tut...
Today 05:31 PM by Numnizzle |
Wifi WPA WEP Bluetooth 4G LTE Wireless Hacking For hacking wireless networks, wep/wpa encryption, sniffers, backtrack, setup, connection problems, aircrack and other wireless related discussions please join this forum.
Moderated By: Mentors |
12,927 | 113,461 |
Where can i find a noob f...
Today 02:24 PM by ciocan |
Skype, IRC, ICQ, AIM, XMPP, and IM Hacks If you are into exploiting instant messaging systems then we have a perfect forum for you. Post here for instant messenger hacks and exploits.
8,215 | 80,019 |
Toolbox v0.03 ~Rhino~
Today 03:43 PM by Intuitive |
Embedded Systems, Electronics, Gadgets, and DIY For all your hacking of electronics like radios, circuitry, alarms, radar detectors, cameras, remote controls or robots you can participate in this forum. Great area for DIY projects. Topics include Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
2,784 | 30,309 |
Searching for Watch_Dogs ...
Today 05:51 PM by Noobsticky |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
The Lounge For great discussions on various subjects and to have some fun relaxed topics you can enter our Lounge. Read the rules in the forums as trolling, spamming, or flaming are not allowed.
Moderated By: Mentors |
398,394 | 5,483,720 |
How many PM's do you have...
Today 05:52 PM by Fortis |
Personal Life Our personal life topics sections are all under subforums of this category.
21,504 | 306,747 |
Anyone ever thrown up whi...
Today 05:52 PM by Λaron |
Member Contests This is a special forum dedicated to all the contests that members run. These are not official contests so participation is at your own risk.
Moderated By: Mentors |
21,290 | 539,411 |
BURN'S 1500 OMC! NO SIG ...
Today 05:47 PM by Mix3rz (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ |
Science, Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Debates and other discussions that surround the topics of science, religion, politics and philosophy. We ask all deep thinkers to post here.
Moderated By: Mentors |
25,424 | 653,305 |
Homosexuals Are Going To ...
Today 05:50 PM by Dominick G. |
Anime Adventures Anime fans of HF rejoice for their special section. Topics include anime wallpapers, anime art, how to draw anime, and anime movies.
Moderated By: Tasemu |
13,190 | 253,986 |
This was amazing!
Today 05:51 PM by Kouichi |
News and Happenings This is to discuss world news, local happenings, and interesting topics of what's going on in society.
17,207 | 263,546 |
Swedish man cleared of ra...
Today 05:50 PM by emjay |
Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, and MP3 This is our music section. Listening with an iPod or your favorite MP3 player? Maybe you're a musician? Do you go to concerts? We want all music threads here.
Moderated By: Hуѕтєяιa X™ |
35,336 | 242,415 |
Style of music
Today 05:50 PM by DaveL |
Movies, TV, and Videos This is our movies and video forum. If you have something you wish to show us like a Youtube video or maybe discuss a new movie or TV show you have recently seen please post here.
21,996 | 207,541 |
Bored? Can't find somethi...
Today 05:43 PM by Chills |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
White Hat Help Wanna stop the Black Hats and Crackers? Do you need help with an infection? Has your site been compromised? This is your section.
36,504 | 311,424 |
Question ...
Today 05:40 PM by ๖ۣۜStitch |
Computer Overclocking, Customizing, and Hardware If you're building a system, overclocking your CPU/GPU or just want to add something custom to your puter this is the right forum to discuss.
37,941 | 400,744 |
Introducing Spec Share! (...
Today 05:25 PM by Exussit |
Microsoft Windows, XP, Vista, and Windows 7 As the most popular OS around it's only appropriate we dedicate a forum to Microsoft Windows. Topics here should include help, tweaks, and troubleshooting.
27,706 | 209,550 |
Windows 9 and Windows Pho...
Today 04:09 PM by ๖ۣۜBoom |
Linux, FreeBSD, and Unix Flavors The popularity of the unix system built by AT&T in 1969 is still the basis for current operating systems. Post about Linux, kernels, FreeBSD, and other topic in this forum.
14,084 | 124,001 | VirtualBox Prob...
Today 03:25 PM by Blackdjango |
Miscellaneous Computer Talk For all computing posts not related to the other topics please post here.
19,540 | 138,530 |
Requesting suggestions up...
Today 05:50 PM by datguy.dev |
Smartphone, Mobiles, Apps, and SDK To discuss any mobile computing like iOS, Android, phreaking, app development, coding, tablets, troubleshooting or anything related to mobile we ask that you post them all here.
29,240 | 232,743 |
My Nexus 5 - Got Stuck -...
Today 05:38 PM by Wolfi |
Apple Mac and OS X For all Apple Mac family computers like the iMac, Macbook Air and Pro discussions. Topics include OS X help, software assistance, and Mac network setup instructions.
5,526 | 47,260 |
Is this MacBook Air worth...
Today 04:18 PM by Snow. |
Networking, Routers, Switches, and Firewalls For assistance with networking we have this forum. Topics include router setup, firewall configurations, and advanced networking help such as Cisco routers.
4,570 | 29,911 |
IP address understanding ...
Today 03:47 PM by Beefmaster |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Coding and Programming Ruby, ASP and other programming languages not covered in the other forums should be posted here.
17,249 | 122,460 |
Am I the only one who enj...
Today 05:38 PM by r0llingthund3r |
Visual Basic and .NET Framework Tutorials and coding help for Visual Basic are here. Microsoft's event driven language using the COM model. Also included are the .NET Framework topics. C# topics should be here too.
62,070 | 603,022 |
Best way to encrypt your ...
Today 05:16 PM by TazzyOpz |
C/C++/Obj-C Programming A forum for the entire family of C/C++/Obj-C coding. Gain help on compiling, objects, classes, and functions.
16,501 | 146,949 |
Today 03:36 PM by Pompeii |
PHP Development For PHP classes, functions, and development discussions we ask you post here. PHP is the #1 used web language and is easy to use. Its strength is its simplicity.
16,102 | 120,787 |
Deletion problem.
Today 04:53 PM by Encrypted32 |
Batch, Shell, Dos, and Command Line Interpreters For any hacker the base of their coding should be CLI. The knowledge of the command line is crucial to being a legit hacker.
11,443 | 108,863 |
The Ultimate .Bat Virus C...
Today 04:34 PM by annikk.exe |
Java Language, JVM, and the JRE Write once and run anywhere. That's Java. This is the forum for Oracle's popular language. Java is one of the best OOP languages available today. Learn more here.
10,577 | 76,485 |
Minecraft Java Errors whe...
Today 03:21 PM by GreenHaze923 |
Python Python is one of the most powerful adaptable general purpose languages. We have this forum specifically devoted to the Python language.
7,020 | 57,765 |
Skype Bot
Today 04:58 PM by KYZA |
Perl Programming Perl is an old language that's flexible, powerful, and versatile. Even though it's dated from the 80's today it can be used for a large number of useful scripts. The power behind Perl is undeniable. Post here for Perl help.
1,226 | 6,757 |
Today 03:39 AM by Zinedine Zidane |
Delphi This forum is setup for all Delphi programming threads. Delphi is perfect for rapid development with its integrated IDE. Its Rapid Application Development tools are key to success.
1,417 | 8,529 |
Good Sockets Tutorial
09-17-2014 09:24 PM by paradey |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Graphics Not really anything to do with hacking but shit we have to show off some skillz somewhere. Do it here.
Moderated By: Mentors |
20,555 | 193,912 |
Grafix ?? [Templates]
Today 05:12 PM by Limbota |
Rate My Graphic These are threads related to graphic ratings such as your signature or avatar. Please make sure to make quality posts.
35,693 | 327,809 |
Wizard Text (1 - 10)?
Today 05:36 PM by oRequiem |
Graphic Tutorials Here are the tutorials for Photoshop, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, and other graphical programs.
3,184 | 33,512 |
[Tutorial] How to do a fa...
Today 10:44 AM by Overwrite |
Free Graphic Requests If you're in need of a signature or logo this is where you post. Be sure to read any rules or stickies in this section before making a new thread.
43,581 | 218,225 |
Need signature
Today 05:40 PM by Prime |
Graphic Services Offer free or paid graphic services to members here. Graphic services include such topics as signatures, website graphics, logos and member graphic shops.
5,871 | 71,601 |
Money's Free Graphic Serv...
Today 05:09 PM by Thekill3r |
Video Editing For discussions on creating and editing videos we have this forum. Topics include Youtube videos, video editing software tutorials, and programs like Avid or Sony Vegas.
6,203 | 30,064 |
It took me 1 full day to ...
Today 11:46 AM by w4ʀɴɪɴɢ |
Photography 101 Learn about digital and art photography in this forum. Topics include cameras, lenses, photo editing, great photographers, and your best pictures.
884 | 8,682 |
Help Me buying Camera
Today 01:24 PM by Cubs |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Marketplace Discussions This is to be used for rules, policies, feedback, and general discussions about the HF Marketplace. Please read the stickies in this section before conducting business here.
Moderated By: Diabolic |
143,860 | 2,193,513 |
5K Leaked eBooks
Today 05:51 PM by Vert0x |
Sponsored Products and Services These are forums owned by members for their products and services. HF does not officially endorse or support any member, product, or service.
69 | 3,496 |
AnonWare | Hacking Servic...
Today 05:28 PM by Delete |
Premium Sellers Section This area is only for upgraded member sales threads.
70,271 | 1,265,917 |
WTS Subreddit Subscribers
Today 05:51 PM by IcySploit |
Secondary Sellers Market This is a sellers section open to all members. We advise extreme caution in all deals here. Sales threads must follow the policies of HF and we expect you to read them in the help documents.
91,977 | 628,296 |
[MSDN/Bizspark] Invites f...
Today 05:37 PM by Airspitter |
Online Accounts If you're selling an OG internet account this is your section. Top sellers include social networking accounts, popular IM names, and excellent email addresses.
36,278 | 399,491 |
OG Twitter SHOP
Today 05:48 PM by 'Soldier |
Ebook Bazaar If you have an ebook for sale please post it here. All ebook sales should follow our template guidelines and rules.
13,218 | 282,107 |
Instant Paypal Cash 1.0 $...
Today 05:51 PM by ryderstorm |
Buyers Bay Are you looking for something? Post your wanted ads in this area. Examples would be games, downloads, or programs. Be descriptive when creating threads.
166,195 | 692,418 |
[$5 - STILL NEEDED] Need ...
Today 05:45 PM by Deployment |
Webmaster Marketplace If you're buying or selling hosting services, dedicated rentals, domains, and even websites then this is your forum.
13,456 | 138,195 |
BigBucks.cc |KVM Windows ...
Today 05:37 PM by Mike.Jinson |
Service Offerings If you would like to offer your services in exchange for payment please post in this section. Great place to offer graphic, web development, and coding services to our members.
39,823 | 388,836 |
Botnet Setup Service IRC/...
Today 05:50 PM by kallysky |
Service Requests Here you can use our Marketplace to hire someone on HF for coding, graphics, security audits, or other internet work you need done.
27,289 | 147,278 |
Are you a GFX artist? Do ...
Today 05:14 PM by Love |
Traders Topics If you want to make a trade or exchange with a member we want it posted here. A trade example would be HF l33t account in exchange for posts at a site.
74,570 | 357,803 |
[PREEV + 10%] [PAYPAL] Aa...
Today 05:50 PM by BottomNotch |
Member Auctions Use this section to start an auction. This is not for off-site auction linking. All auctions must follow strict guidelines.
18,202 | 121,375 |
Ewhoring Method (Thousand...
Today 05:49 PM by Mercenary™ |
Virtual Game Items Here you can sell virtual items from games such as Runescape Gold, WoW equipment, and other gaming related items. No account trading allowed in this section.
23,757 | 121,641 |
Keys | $1.65 | BTC + LTC ...
Today 05:45 PM by Gulp |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Monetizing Techniques If you're looking for methods to make more money online this is your forum. We ask that if you have great ideas or a system to monetize please share it. Please read the rules for this forum.
Moderated By: Mentors, php |
38,495 | 442,580 |
Win 25 dollars through yo...
Today 05:36 PM by Kurakatos |
Crypto Currency For all discussion on crypto currency such as Bitcoin and Litecoin post here. Topics include mining, wallets, setup, monetization, and general digital currency talk.
Moderated By: Mentors |
10,369 | 118,596 |
The Coin Watch #21 - New ...
Today 05:49 PM by xxGoldenNuggetsxx |
Free Money Making Ebooks To give out free Money Making Guides please use this forum. Carefully read the rules for this section. Enjoy making money online.
Moderated By: Mentors |
4,573 | 282,382 |
[Was $9.99] Stupidly Easy...
Today 04:56 PM by sericune |
Referrals If you want to promote something with a referral link it must be in this section only.
Moderated By: Mentors |
34,217 | 472,179 |
$$ The EASIEST BTC you'll...
Today 05:03 PM by kensta1 |
Survey Says For discussions on paid to complete, promotion of, and sharing of surveys this is your special money making forum. All money making survey talk belongs here.
Moderated By: Mentors |
2,652 | 33,123 |
Need a USA member, paying...
Today 06:25 AM by Sesamebob |
CPA / PPD Make Money For Cost Per Acquisition and Pay Per Download discussion we have added this forum. Earn more money from your online time.
Moderated By: Mentors |
6,967 | 67,213 |
Tired of trying to make p...
Today 04:59 PM by bigbadke12 |
Shopping Deals | 17,585 | 164,161 |
GL1TCH3D's Headphone Sanc...
Today 04:27 PM by GL1TCH3D |
Investment Strategies and Markets For discussions on stocks, bonds, forex, futures, IRA, 401k's, and other investment strategies.
Moderated By: Mentors |
1,000 | 9,895 |
Today 01:48 PM by Enronitis |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
SEO and Internet Marketing For those interested in making money from websites, social networking sites, and other internet marketing schemes please use this section.
7,794 | 98,455 |
Are these DOMAINS worth a...
Today 04:56 PM by zatanico12 |
Website Construction This area is for discussions that involve aspects of site creation. Including but not limited to PHP, CSS, XHTML, Javascript and even graphic design.
36,807 | 208,769 |
How could I make money wi...
Today 05:03 PM by zatanico12 |
Website Showcase and Reviews This is where you can show off your website and ask for unbiased reviews. Please read the sticky about what is not allowed here. This is not meant for advertising of services.
12,487 | 101,741 |
www.TheGrandReveal.com - ...
Today 02:46 PM by Wired™ |
Social Networking If you want to discuss sites like Youtube, Facebook, or other social networking sites enter here. Topics are not about hacking, spreading, or exploiting. Read the rules.
7,267 | 68,134 |
GET MORE: Followers, Like...
Today 03:17 PM by Huelex |
Hosting This is for hosting discussions such as deals, comparisons, and troubleshooting. If you have the need or use a host make posts here.
633 | 4,846 |
Good hosts that protect a...
Today 04:41 PM by ๖ۣۜCσиcєρτ |
Web Servers and Dedicated Rentals If you need assistance with a web server or its services please post in this section. Topics include Apache, MySQL, and MTA's. Basically everything you need to run a successful server.
2,974 | 19,016 |
Looking for cheap cPanel ...
Today 05:37 PM by emοtion |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
The Gamers Lounge For gaming enthusiast fans this is your group forum.
11,077 | 123,408 |
Does gaming help you in r...
Today 05:36 PM by ViperCoder |
Xbox 360, One, and Live Gaming The Microsoft Xbox is a fan favorite amongst online console gamers. Xbox Live is a very strong gaming community.
81,066 | 844,249 |
Need a KV to test( need i...
Today 05:48 PM by SonOfSam |
Computer and Online Gaming For the PC gamers we have this forum area. Online games like MMORPGs, FPS, or RTS video games as well as flash arcades can be talked about here.
69,843 | 680,088 |
Royal Facade Ranked 5v5 T...
Today 05:50 PM by chowmaine |
Sony Gaming For all the PS4, PS3, PSN, PSP Vita, and PSP players in the HF community discuss your gaming addiction here. Playstation gamers get your butt in here.
13,926 | 106,765 |
Won't turn on
Today 05:37 PM by ✔ p0ison ✔ |
Minecraft This retro feel java based game has gained popularity this past year. Its addictive gameplay and simple mechanics make it a hit. This is the Minecraft forums of HF.
Moderated By: Mentors, Dan. |
77,530 | 1,015,551 |
Utility Hack Idea
Today 05:48 PM by JordanJim |
FPS and Military Style Gaming All of our popular military FPS game categories are subforums in this section.
47,942 | 438,242 |
CS:GO MovieMaking Guide
Today 05:44 PM by nomnomdicks |
Blizzard's Battle.net For all the Blizzard Battle.net games we've created an organized category forum. Discuss World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo here.
13,395 | 113,496 |
Molten-WoW Cataclysm look...
Today 05:48 PM by SoCali |
Grand Theft Auto One of the most popular video games ever and it's a huge hit among HF members. Discuss the game here and topics include GTA5, tutorials, screenshots, gameplay, and cheat codes.
5,760 | 48,832 |
plz help DNS Codes
Today 05:52 PM by AWildPackOfCows |
FIFA Game Forum For all things FIFA. Discuss what is surely the greatest sports game in the world. The popular EA game continues to draw fans. Topics include the World Cup, FIFA Street, and FUT.
1,194 | 6,937 |
FUT 15 Webapp!
Today 03:29 PM by Black Puma |
Nintendo Wii U and DS Systems This is a forum for the Nintendo fans which are plenty. The new Wii U is released and the 3DS is just amazing. Post here for Nintendo talk.
2,309 | 19,803 |
Need Help Choosing My Pok...
Today 02:55 PM by hugsyou |
Mobile and Tablet Gaming For those with Android, iPhone, Apps, Kindle Fire and Tablet gaming needs post here. Topics include Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, and other popular mobile games.
2,257 | 16,862 |
Advise for Starters!
Today 05:19 PM by Bubbers108 |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
Group and Crew General Discussions For all topics regarding custom user groups such as recruitment, joining questions, and other threads about crews please post here.
Moderated By: Judge Dredd |
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Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post | |
HF l33t VIP Signup For information on how to signup to be a VIP paid subscriber please enter here.
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